Is Refractive Error considered a Disability?

What is referred to as refractive errors?

Refractive error is a prevalent eye condition. It occurs when the eye is unable to focus accurately on images from the outside world. Refractive errors of eyes result in distorted vision, which can be so severe as to cause visual impairment.

What are the common types of refractive errors?


Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a refractive error that makes things close to you look blurry but things far away look clear.

The symptoms of hyperopia:

Farsighted individuals will experience headaches or eye strain when attempting to focus their vision for close tasks. They may also experience squinting and fatigue.


Myopia, the antonym of hyperopia, is a refractive error, in which adjacent objects appear clear while distant objects appear blurry. Myopia is the most prevalent refractive error of the human eye, and its prevalence is increasing. 

The symptoms of myopia:

Did you say that you have trouble reading road signs? Myopia makes it hard for someone to see things far away. It can also cause headaches, eye pain, and/or the need to squint.


If you have astigmatism, light rays will focus at more than one point instead of just one. At all distances, this makes it hard to see clearly or makes things look funny.

The signs of astigmatism that include:

Astigmatism that isn’t fixed can make it hard to see at different distances, give you headaches, and strain your eyes.


Presbyopia is a refractive error that happens to everyone as they get older. Like hyperopia, presbyopia makes it hard to see things up close.

The symptoms of presbyopia:

Have you ever had to hold a restaurant menu out in front of you so you could see it better? Are you older than forty? These are the most common signs of age-related nearsightedness. Handwriting and other close work can also cause headaches or eye pain.

If you have ever had issues with vision, book your appointment with an ophthalmologist in Coimbatore to get a complete diagnosis of your eyes.. 

What symptoms and signs are associated with refractive errors?

Blurred vision is the most usual sign. Some other signs are:

  • Hazy vision
  • Squinting
  • Double vision
  • Halo around the lights
  • Eye strain 
  • Headaches 
  • Focusing issues

Some people might not be aware of the signs of refractive errors. It is important to have regular eye tests that your eye doctor can make sure you can see well. 

If you wear glasses or contacts and are still facing these symptoms you might need to change the course of treatment. 

Who is at risk of refractive errors?

Individuals of any age can get affected by refractive errors, but you are more likely to get them if other people in your family have glasses. 

Most refractive errors such as nearsightedness, start when a child is young. People over 45 years old often have presbyopia. Talk to your doctor about how likely it is that you will have refractive errors, and ask about your eye examination schedule.

What might be the possible causes of refractive errors?

Changes in the shape of cornea, lens, or the entire eye can result in refractive errors. The type of refractive errors an individual has depends on the curvature of the eyes. 

They can develop with age as well. Eyes can develop refractive errors even in adulthood.

What is involved in the diagnosis of refractive errors?

A general eye exam can detect all forms of refractive errors, including a:

  • A visual acuity test that measures distance vision
  • Refraction test to determine the correct glasses prescription
  • Slit-lamp evaluation of the ocular structures

The procedure of diagnosis in children:

Because poor vision can impact a child’s academic performance, early detection of refractive errors is especially important in children. Amblyopia (lazy eye) may develop if a child’s refractive errors are not addressed in an expedient manner. When standard eye charts cannot be used to evaluate the vision of young children, a retinoscopy — an examination that observes the reflection of light off the retina — may be necessary. This examination may necessitate pupil dilation with eye drops.

Is refractive error considered a disability?

No refractive errors are generally not considered as a disability. The word “disability” refers to any physical or mental problem that makes it hard to do one or more of the most important things in life. Examples of important vital functions include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, and performing manual tasks. Disabilities can be congenital, meaning they are present at birth, or acquired later in life as a result of injury or illness.

What is the treatment approach for refractive errors?

Eye physicians can recommend glasses or contact lenses, or by performing surgery as a part of Refractive Errors of the Eye Treatment.

Corrective glasses:

Eyeglasses are the most simple and secure method of correcting refractive errors. The correct eyeglass lenses will be prescribed by your ophthalmologist to give you the clearest vision possible.

Contact lenses:

Contact lenses correct refractive errors on the surface of the eye. Your eye doctor will fit you with the proper lenses and instruct you on how to properly maintain and wear them.

Eye surgery:

Some surgical procedures, such as laser eye surgery, can alter the shape of the cornea to correct refractive errors. Your ophthalmologist can help you determine if surgery is necessary.

How can you reduce the risk of developing refractive errors?

Most of the time, you can’t do anything to stop your eyes from getting refractive errors. There is no way to avoid refractive errors because they are caused by the shape of your eye, cornea, or lens, or by changes to these parts of your eyes. You also can’t stop your child from being born with refractive errors.

Is refractive surgery considered serious?

A very common problem with the eyes is called a refractive error. It happens when the eye can’t focus on the outside world well enough. Refractive errors cause blurry vision, which can sometimes be so bad that it makes it hard to see. To get an early diagnosis visit an Eye Hospital in Coimbatore to avoid any serious eye issues.

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